Radio Station

Sajonisi Youth Radio

Sajonisi Youth Radio was registered as a NON PROFIT COMPANY (NPC) with the following REG NO.2017/003229/08 in Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape Province who saw need for a radio project in the community, The primary aim of the project is to inform, educate and entertain the community which is mainly rural by broadcasting relevant educational programs in the local spoken languages.

Company Profile

The project was granted a 4 year Class Broadcasting Service License by ICASA on the 7th of March 2013, The project has been licensed to broadcast in Port St John’s also O.R.Tambo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province i.e. Port St John’s Local Municipality, Ingquza Hill Local Municipality, KSD Local Municipality, Mhlontlo Local Municipality, Nyandeni Local Municipality and Alfred Ndzo District Municipality Areas. The format of license condition is 60% talk and 40% music, The broadcast Languages are 70% Isimpondo, 20% IsiXhosa and 10% English, The project has been assigned a permanent Radio Frequency of 88.5 MHz with 300 kw Radius, and it broadcasts 24/7.

Being aware that for the past several years our community has been struggling to improve the standard of living, and the youth have been facing challenges to fulfill their dreams and lack of knowledge. Therefore our aim is to change youth path ways and save souls who have fallen on hard times to make a fresh start, we also aim to show the young people another way of living.

We are targeting youth in local communities. This is the way to give back to the community through broadcasting, the Radio show like ours helps our youth to be positive about life as we invite people who are the survivors or those who are rising above challenges to motivate the youth. The successful and inspirational women from the community are invited on the show to give motivational talk to inspire the youth. We also invite the Eastern Cape celebrities who went through those hard times to come to the show and give our youth the secret to success.
Supporting us shall bolster our community’s pride and improve our youth self-confidence. We are looking forward to turn our community into a City of Gold.

Company Introduction

Isajonisi Youth Radio is an initiative that was established to provide trainings and also a radio station that is operating in order to empower youth of South Africa in the media and broadcasting industry.

We have decided to provide trainings in the media and broadcasting industry because most of our Youth in our rural areas are failing to attain this scarce skills and they are forced to relocates to the big cities in order to attain this scarce skills, We have decided to have training in this field.

The company is actively managed by Mr Simiso Christopher Shozi, Who came up with an idea of establishing radio station that will also provide trainings for the Youth of Port St Johns which is a small town that has been sidelined with a development, while Port St Johns serves as a tourism destination.


To entertain, inform and educates
To promotes arts and culture programmes
To make sure that we market arts culture programmes
To serve as mouthpiece for the community of Port St Johns


To be involved in the training sector industry at large and to make a remarkable contribution to the economic growth of our country through the provision of excellent work of its related services including training and to be a model of best practice working to uplift Historical Disadvantaged Individuals.

Facilitated through

Training and developing people through building skills and building trades.

Social awareness and social contribution


Sajonisi Youth Radio is mainly broadcasting in Port St Johns, It is geographical covers the following areas O.R. Tambo District Municipalities that is Port St Johns, Ingquza Hill Local Municipality, Nyandeni Local Municipality, Mthlontlo Local Municipality, Alfred Ndzo District Municipalities.

Sajonisi Youth Radio is intending to provide trainings for the people of South Africa, since We have noticed that our youth are very talented in media and broadcasting that is in radio presenting.

Target Audience

We are targeting the youth from local communities from the age of 16 to 35 years, those who are close to maturity.

Sajonisi Youth Radio is covering wide range such as Port St Johns, Lusikisiki, Flagstaff, Bizane, Port Shepstone, Mount Frere, Ntabankulu, Ntlaza, Libode, Mthatha, Xhora Mqanduli, Ngqeleni, Coffee Bay and Engcobo with Listenership of 93 000.


  • Satisfy clients needs through designing, excellence and ensuring.
  • Functional and aesthetic solutions to meet clients needs
  • Flexibility complimenting growth and change
  • Efficiency and durability
  • Achieving budget and time constrains
  • Train the youth of rural areas in the field of media and broadcasting.
  • To stimulate local and regional economic growth
  • To creates job opportunities of the youth
  • To develop role models from our societies
  • To decrease rates of crime by training our youth by becoming busy

Contact Details

Tel: 047 564 7811

Mobile: 08 710 7231


Old Military Based Camp

Port St Johns


Eastern Cape Community Radio Forum


(047) 877 0095/6


086 660 1308


Arthur Tsengiwe College, P.O. Box 997, Cala, 5455