Radio Station

Unique FM


Radio Unique FM is community radio station, situated in the northern part of the Eastern Cape at a Rural Region Joe Gqabi in a subregion Walter Sisulu Municipality,It is trafficed by Youth in day to day running.

The Vision

To be the best radio station while producing top-class presenters and building communities.

The Mission

Broadcasting of quality shows with current and educative information, developing our communities to create a better society living and a brighter future.

Station Profile

District: Joe Gqabi

Muicipality: Walter Sisulu

Town: Burgersdorp

Radius: 65 Kms

Towns Cover: Burgersdorp, Aliwal North, Steynburg, Molteno, Venterstad. Sterkstroom a and 222 Surrounding Farms

Services: Broadcasting, Advertising, Promotion, Interviews etc.

Background: Established in 1998 Started Brodcasting in 2000

Listenership Currently: 28 000

Broadcast Languages: IsiXhosa, Sesotho, English and Afrikaans

Programming: Women, Children, Youth, Valnerable Groups

Target Audience: Working Class

Contact Person: Bonga Jotina (Station Manager)

Contact Details

Physical Address:

32 Van Der Walt Street
P.O Box 358

Postal Address:

Contact Number: 0516531005 / 0722927076
E-mail: /

Eastern Cape Community Radio Forum


(047) 877 0095/6


086 660 1308


Arthur Tsengiwe College, P.O. Box 997, Cala, 5455